lutego 09, 2019

Elementary info & what is the seminar about?

Elementary info about second version of our seminar. Thanks to all partners for their involvement on preparatory stage:

Title: “Projects are not falling from the sky”

Type of event: Seminar

Hosting organization: HEureka Generator, Poland

Dates and Location: july 2019, Zwierzyniec n. Zamość, Poland.

Number of participants: 2 (1 member of your organization; 1 young person from your organization who wants to be involved in project work).

Countries: Estonia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Cyprus, Latvia, Macedonia, Croatia, Poland

Working language: English (participants need to know this language on communicative level).

What is the seminar about?

International youth cooperation is an important part of the Heureka Generator mission. The members of our organization have numerous experiences related to the creation of high-quality initiatives based on youth ideas and active inclusion in the activities from the outline of the idea to the final evaluation and dissemination of results.

Is it easy? Well, it is not. These projects often have problems resulting from the lack of experience of young people. Finding solutions often consume a lot of time and energy. However, it never occurred to us to take a shortcut: to  have project prepared by the 'professional writer' who would write a great piece on behalf of young people and then secretly select a group after accepting the project.
The quality of the youth exchange is to create opportunity for the young people to acquire valuable experience, even if it is associated with some problems during implementation.

The youth who works in our organization thanks to such action knows that the project is not only a week-long meeting with peers, but a few months adventure, which is a treasure box of various experiences related to the transformation of their ideas into real action.

października 02, 2018

What is the seminar about?

International youth cooperation is an important part of the Heureka Generator mission. The members of our organization have numerous experiences related to the creation of high-quality initiatives based on youth ideas and active inclusion in the activities from the outline of the idea to the final evaluation and dissemination of results.

Is it easy? Well, it is not. These projects often have problems resulting from the lack of experience of young people. Finding solutions often consume a lot of time and energy. However, it never occurred to us to take a shortcut: to  have project prepared by the 'professional writer' who would write a great piece on behalf of young people and then secretly select a group after accepting the project.
The quality of the youth exchange is to create opportunity for the young people to acquire valuable experience, even if it is associated with some problems during implementation. 

The youth who works in our organization thanks to such action knows that the project is not only a week-long meeting with peers, but a few months adventure, which is a treasure box of various experiences related to the transformation of their ideas into real action.

Unfortunately, our experience clearly shows that Europe is full of organizations that go to the easy way, organizations that do not create projects WITH YOUNG PEOPLE, but they create it FOR THEM. The idea of a youth meeting comes from an adult person, although the application describes it differently. The selection of the group takes place after the acceptance of the project, which creates all the pathological thematic groups in social media. In these groups, the organizations make recruitment of the participants, and young people choose ready-made projects. That creates the definition of youth exchange as a ‘ready-made creation’ which falles from the sky.

During our seminar, we want to bring closer the cases in which we have encountered the above problems and discuss the solutions that we have used in the past. We also want, based on the experiences of our organizations, to create the correct path of journey with young people through the project and to fight with all pathological definitions of the Erasmus + program. 
Thanks to our meeting, a huge group of young Europeans will learn about how they can engage in international youth exchanges to gain numerous experiences over several months of active action. We will thus reduce the activity of harmful thematic groups in social media, bringing youth exchange to the level of a free travel agency, where the project is selected through the prism of for example good weather.

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