Elementary info about second version of our seminar.
Thanks to all partners for their involvement on preparatory stage:
“Projects are not falling from the sky”
Type of event:
Hosting organization:
HEureka Generator, Poland
Dates and Location:
july 2019, Zwierzyniec n. Zamość, Poland.
Number of participants:
2 (1 member of your organization; 1 young person from your organization who
wants to be involved in project work).
Estonia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Cyprus, Latvia, Macedonia,
Croatia, Poland
Working language:
English (participants need to know this language on communicative level).
What is the seminar about?
youth cooperation is an important part of the Heureka Generator mission. The
members of our organization have numerous experiences related to the creation
of high-quality initiatives based on youth ideas and active inclusion in the
activities from the outline of the idea to the final evaluation and
dissemination of results.
Is it easy?
Well, it is not. These projects often have problems resulting from the lack of
experience of young people. Finding solutions often consume a lot of time and
energy. However, it never occurred to us to take a shortcut: to have project prepared by the 'professional
writer' who would write a great piece on behalf of young people and then
secretly select a group after accepting the project.
quality of the youth exchange is to create opportunity for the young people to
acquire valuable experience, even if it is associated with some problems during
youth who works in our organization thanks to such action knows that the project
is not only a week-long meeting with peers, but a few months adventure, which
is a treasure box of various experiences related to the transformation of their
ideas into real action.